The Effects of Landscape Index on Bird's Aboundance in Forest Patches in Gorgan Township

Document Type : Original Article



Habitat fragmentation is a concern in conservation biology that sometimes leading to habitat destruction. In this study, the effects of landscape variables on bird's aboundance were studied  in forest patches in Gorgan Township. All variable were surveyed in 26 different patch sizes (<1 ha, 1-10 ha, 10-25 ha and >300 ha). Also landscape index was calculated by FRAGSTAT software.  Birds were detected within a 25m radius of each of 74 sampling points. The Results showed that Red breasted flycatcher and bolbol had negative correlation with size of  patches but GreatTit had positive correlation with size, para and shape of patches. According this study Red breasted flycatcher and bolbol were detected as Forest interior and GreatTit was detected as Forestedge.The results of this study indicated the importance of forest patches for conserving and enhancing of avian and following it conserving biodiversity of the forest ecosystems.


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