Habitat Modeling for Wild Goat (Capra Aegagrus Erxleben 1777) Using Binary Logistic Regression in Kolah Ghazi National Park

Document Type : Original Article


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Kolah Ghazi National Park is one of the best habitats for Wild Goat (Capra aegagrus) in Iran with a population of around 2000 heads. In this study, binary logistic regression was used to habitat modelling of the species. Habitat characteristics, including vegetation density, distance of predators, distance of main roads, slope and elevation. According to the results, slope has the most important in determining the distribution of the species at Kolah Ghazi National Park and elevation is the next priority. On the other hand, the National Park of vegetation density decreases with increasing elevation, so the species prefers these areas are steep and high, even with low food. Distance of predators and distance of main roads had little role in two of the models. The habitat models help both in understanding species niche requirements, their use has been especially promoted to tackle conservation issues; accordingly, we explore the habitat models of the species for its conservation and management.


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