Scenic Visual Quality Assessment According To the Perception-Based Approach; a Pattern for Better Management of Natural Recreational Areas (Case Study: Walking Tracks in Ziyarat Basin, Jahannama Protected Area)

Document Type : Original Article



Visitors use the tracks for many reasons and in different types. The determination of users destinations and preferences in walking tracks designing are very important. Scenic and viewing points are important factors for visitors of recreational track, so aesthetic expectations ought to be considered as part of a thoughtful track design. Different approaches for assessing the scenic qualities of landscapes have been developed in the last few decades. Two basic approaches in this field include expert/design approach and perception-based approach. In this paper scenes and viewing points of 10 existing walking tracks in natural recreational area of Ziyarat Basin were assessed according to the perception-based approach. Therefore, a field survey using GPS receivers was conducted to determine viewing points on the study area and at each viewpoint photographs by using of digital camera that could be used for visual quality analysis. The data was analyzed in was taken ArcGis9.3. Finally, according to the results of viewing point's analysis, walking tracks were classified in three degrees (excellent, good, and moderate) based on scenic quality. The results showed that Ziyarat basin walking tracks provide the possibility and opportunity for watching different types of visual landscapes in this area. Determination of walking tracks and viewing points, quality assessment of these viewing points and introducing the tracks based on the scenic quality via perception approach could be used as a suitable guideline for better management recreation area. In this study we have tried to provide a pattern for better management of these areas and increasing visitors' recreational experience quality from a natural recreational area by introducing one of the visual assessment methods
