An Analysis on Aggregation of Nest Investment Location for Eretmochelys Imbricata

Document Type : Original Article



Sea turtles are considered of the globally threatened species in the world. Several threats affect survival and regeneration of these species. Therefore, to support their habitat and survival, identification and managing factors which affect nesting are inevitable. Considering that sea turtles do one of the critical stages of their life, hatchery period at the beach, so identifying nestig sites and factors influencing their hatching play an important role for conserving these endangered species. Many studies reveald that one of the main factors in nest selection is grain size.
In this study the grain size in the nest locations of Eretmochelys imbricata in Shib-deraz of the Qeshm Island was investigated. The results showed that from the 13 reviewed community nest locations, 10 of them had a coarse sandy texture which is in line with different studies in other countries. In summary we can conclude that sea turtles start the action of implantation in a sany shores and fine-grained texture in course (grain size 0.125 to 1 mm) which sandy textures are preferred by Eretmochelys in Qeshm Island.
