Environmental Awareness Among Isfahan Middel School Teachers

Document Type : Original Article



Rapid growth of human populations and increasing environmental problems have made it necessary to change people’s attitude and behavior through environmental education. Environmental education is a way of creating knowledge, understanding, values, attitudes, skills, abilities and awareness among individuals and social groups towards environment and environmental protection. The current study aimed to investigate environmental awareness among Isfahan school teachers in relation to gender, teaching subject, experience and education, using questionnaire. Results showed that about 12% of teachers had a low environmental awareness, while 86% had average, 2% good and zero percent had high level of environmental awareness. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found in relation to education and question groups. However, no significant difference was observed in relation to gender, teaching subject and experience. Results also showed that women had higher awareness on environmental problems and local environment issues, while awareness of men was higher on ecosystems. In addition, most teachers used newspapers and local magazine as educational means, supplementary books, internet and field trips were less popular among school teachers.
