Predicting Potential Distribution of Leopard (Panthera Pardus Saxicolor) Using Presence- Only Data Case Study: (Golestan National Park)

Document Type : Original Article



Top predators such as leopard are often associated with high biodiversity, so the protection of their habitat can be regarded as one of the most effective ways of conserving ecosystems and biodiversity globally. The purpose of this study is predicting potential distribution of Persian leopard and its habitat suitability in Golestan National Park using Ecological Niche Factors Analysis (ENFA). Persian leopard is an endangered species in the IUCN Red List. The data used in the analysis fall into two categories of independent environmental factors and dependent ones. We recorded 120 presences as dependent factor and also analyzed 14 environmental variables as independent based on behavioral and biological characteristics of leopard and the dominant park features. The marginality and specialization scores show the Persian leopard live in a narrow range of conditions in this area and therefore, it requires a specific habitat protection and management. The results provide a means of concentrating on the most important features of the leopard habitat and its efficient management
