The Effects of Recreation on Forest Bird Communities in Three Zones of Fandoglo Forest: Intensive Recreation, Conservation and Extensive Recreation


1 Sc in Habitats and Biodiversity, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

2 Assoc. Prof. Department of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

3 Assoc. Prof. Department of Environmental Sciences, Mohageg Ardabili University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources


With increasing of human populations using forest areas for recreation is increasing, which have
impact on birds. Information about the impact of recreation on wildlife within national parks and
reserves can be useful for the management of natural areas. This study delineated the effects of
recreation activities on birds in the Fandoghlo forest. Indices of species diversity, density and
participation birds with environment variables using spot sampling and ordination method was
studied, then birds and environment variables to the radial distance of 25 m from each of the 90
sampling points were analyzed. To determine the density of birds and participation birds with
environment, variables in three different treatments of the forest, spot sampling and increasing
analysis methods were utilized. Data analysis showed in recreation areas the pedestrian density affect
diversity of birds.
