A Model of Socio- Psychological Characteristics Investigation of Forest Park Visitor as a Park Management Tool (Case Study: Daland Forest Park)


1 Assist. Prof., Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Ph.d Student of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources.


A better use of outdoor recreational places could be achieved when the areas are responsive to visitors'
socio-psychological needs in addition to other visitors’ needs. In other word, outdoor recreational
areas should be designed based on a variety of visitors' socio-psychological needs. These were
investigated in Daland Forest Park, Gorgan, Iran as a case study. In this study, socio-psychological
characteristics of visitors’ needs to the Park were investigated and then management guidelines for
the area were presented based on the results. In doing so, 168 questionnaires filled out in the Park in
summer and fall 1391. Questionnaire justifiability was confirmed by two experts and its reliability
was calculated using Cronbach's alpha. The results show that most visitors to this area are aimed at
having mental relaxation. Also, about 72 percent respondents prefer to see collaboration between
police forces and park guards for park security management. Chi-square test was used to examine if
there is any relationship between sexes with some socio-psychological needs. The results of this study
not only reflect the Park status but, they reflect visitors’ expectations of different socio-psychological
aspects that can be used for a better park management.
