Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling of Abadan oil Refinery Using SCREEN3


1 MSc in Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

2 Assoc. Prof. Department of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources

3 Assist. Prof. Department of Environmental Sciences, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources


Air pollution is a major problem that has been recognized throughout the world. Refineriers normally create
environmental pollution through emissions of pollutants gaseous from a variety of sources. Analysing air
pollution distribution and dispersion can help in reducing the negative effects. In this study NOX and SO2
emissions and distributions were investigated for Abadan oil refinery using SCREEN3 software. In this
softweare, wind speed and direction, air temperature, location and physical characteristics of chimnies and
atmospheric stability were taken into consideration.The concentration of pollutants in different distances from
the stacks in the range 25 km were predicted and mapped in Idrisi software. The output from software
SCREEN3 for emissions from stacks were also examined and compared with the standard output of the
refineries. According to our results, the concentration of polutants in summer and autumn seasons exceeds of
the environmental standards.
