Spatial Pattern Analyse of Tehran Parks in Twenty Two Urban Regions by Using of Landscape Metrics


1 M.Sc. Gratuate, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran

2 Assoc. prof. Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran

3 Prof. Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran


The importance of Green spaces in urban areas, especially in large industrial cities is an index of
social development, which increases the quality of life. Thus distribution of urban green space in a
city is very important .This research is more perfect than the study of green space areas because it
focuses on distribution. In this research first maps of parks and border of regions were depicted by
digital atlas of Tehran parks and parks were classified to Neighborhood, district and regional classes,
by using of ArcMap and IDRISI software. Then park maps in twenty-two regions of Tehran, by using
the selected landscape metrics including (CA, NP, PD, PLAND, MPS, LPI, LSI, MNN, Shape-MN,
SHDI, MSIDI, SHEI, MSIEI), were resulted. Thus Composition, configuration, expanse and
continuity of parks were also analyzed by using of Fragstas soft ware. At first twenty-two regions of
Tehran were analyzed according to the park classes and then every park was analyzed without
belonging to any classes. The regions of one, seventeen, fourteen, twenty one and twenty two
indicated the most amount of the fragmentation, connectivity, diversity, evenness and dominance
respectively. Neighborhood parks in ten and twenty regions had the most amount of dominance and
connectivity respectively. District parks in nineteen region had the most amount of both dominance
and connectivity. Regional parks in fifteen region had the most amount of the connectivity.
Neighborhood parks have the best spatial pattern in comparison with other classes and spatial pattern
of regional parks were unfavorable in comparison with neighborhood and district parks.
