The Study of Cutural- Social Factors Effective On Citizen,s Behavior On Maintaining Environment (Case Study : City Of Boroujen)

Document Type : Original Article


MA in Sociology, Islamic Azad University Dehaghan Branch


Today, the environment is a cultural and social factor that can be studied from different aspects. This study is aiming to examine cultural-social factors effecting citizens behavior in protecting the environment. Theoretical bases are structural, social solidarity and action theories. Research method is qualitative and survey and questionnaire is used to collect data. The population include 40076 residents of the city of Boroujen and the statistical sample include381people selected through cluster sampling. Based on the tests conducted in this study results show that the variables of traditional values, religious values, social ethics, responsibility, citizens obedience from the proposed models, income, age and citizens occupation, were important in showing their behavior in environment. Generally we can say that social-cultural factors are determining factor in peoples behavior in society, and environmental behavior of all people are originated from these factors. 


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